SUNY Maritime College Full Mission Survival Craft Simulator
NavSim Services has recently installed an NTPRO 6 based Full Mission Survival Craft Simulator at SUNY Maritime College.
The simulator is used for training the following operations:
■ Lifeboat preparation before launching.
■ Launching the lifeboat.
■ Starting and operating the lifeboat engine.
■ Maneuvering the lifeboat.
■ Use of the lifeboat equipment: sprinkler system, canopy light, sea anchor and others.
■ Lifeboat recovery.
The simulator can also be used for training in search and rescue operations.
The Simulator consists of a fiberglass mockup with 360° visuals, a real Survitec Hook
Release mechanism, a functional Winch Brake mechanism and Helm Station with touch screen controls and real equipment wheel and throttle.
Design by Andrew Dumpleton. Built by Luminus